Posted on 2023-04-05 · Pinned post
Eternal Digital Assets Partners with Freename to Launch Web3 Website Builder
Eternal Digital Assets and Freename are changing that story with today’s release of QuickBuild. The newly launched solution presents a drag-and-drop solution for anyone to build and release a Web3 website linked to their domain name. The current release supports all Freename-registered domains and will eventually be expanded to cover other Web3 registrars....

Posted on 2023-07-26
Eternal Digital Assets Doubles Down on Web3 Onboarding With Fresh Initiatives
Eternal Digital Assets announces the launch of Web3 Onboarding and several other new initiatives....

Posted on 2023-07-14
Eternal Digital Assets Announces Bumper QuickBuild Affiliate Program
Eternal Digital Assets (EDA) is pleased to unveil a bumper affiliate program for its QuickBuild service. ...

Posted on 2023-06-20
How to Use QuickBuild (Guide for Beginners)
Learn how to build a Web3 site using QuickBuild. You'd be done in mere minutes!...

Posted on 2023-04-20
What’s the Buzz Around Web3 Domain Names?
Among enthusiasts, Web3 domain names seem to be the best thing since slicedbread. Learn the reasons behind the hype!...

Posted on 2022-11-03
5 Powerful Reasons Why You Need a Web3 Domain
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already familiar with the conceptof a Web3 domain. For those who aren’t, a Web3 domain is simply an address thatuses the new Web3 standard, which allows decentralized applications (dApps) tobe built on top of it.Web3 is the next evolution of the internet, where data is stored on a decentralized......

Posted on 2022-10-28
Eternal Digital Assets Releases Sneak Peek Into Upcoming Web3 Marketplace
Eternal Digital Assets (EDA) is building a premier marketplace for trading Web3 domain names and other digital assets. Today, we are delighted to release a sneak peek into our upcoming marketplace which is set to drive Web3 adoption. Underpinned......

Posted on 2022-10-21
What is a Web3 Domain Name?
Domain names date almost as far back as the internet. They provide a uniqueidentifier for personal or organizational websites, making these propertieseasier for internet users to access.We are at the dawn of a new Internet era — Web3. In this new era, domain namesare a lot more powerful. They are secure, immutable, and have the potential to......